Submit your work to be featured on Type63.
We’re on the lookout for different kinds of typographic work created by Filipinos, such as fully realized font releases, personal projects that experiment with letters, custom typefaces used for client work, and anything else related to type.
Simply use the hashtag #type63 in your posts, or submit your work below!
All Filipinos may submit their designs regardless of their work experience! Read the guidelines to properly prepare your files before uploading.
Submission Guidelines
- Crop your images the way you want them to be displayed on Instagram.
- Images should be in JPG format, with a minimum of 1080px on the shortest side.
- Video files should be in MP4 format and as much as possible not exceed 60 seconds.
- You may submit up to 10 videos/images as a carousel post. Please use the same aspect ratio for all your media files.
The Type63 account is curated, so there is no guarantee that your work will be cleared for posting. If your submission is accepted, it may take some time before it is posted.
Watch our IG feed to find out if your work has been approved!